Are You Losing Readers? Where You Send Them Matters!

Where do you send your readers after they’ve read your work?

Dani Gibbings McGaw
3 min readJun 5, 2022
Screenshot of the beginning of my Beacons page. See the whole page here: Dani.Space

Anyone who writes online, whether it is on Medium, LinkedIn, or their own blog, knows that if you want to keep that reader, you need to get her to that one place where they can take action.

The action you want the to take depends on your goals.

Are you writing to make money? To promote your books? To build up an email list? To get feedback? Or maybe you have another reason for writing entirely.

No matter what the reason for writing, you want something, even if it is just to be read.

The bottom line though, is that you don’t want the person who just read your article to just walk away and never see your writing again. And in order for them to see more of what you write, you need them to take some kind of action.

That’s the first question you need to answer.

If you want to promote your books that you write and sell on Amazon, you might include a link to your Amazon profile in your bio and in a call to action (CTA) at the bottom of your article.

If you want to make money, you might include a link to a paid subscription newsletter or a page where they can buy you a cup of coffee.

